Sunday 6 June 2010

We´ve arrived!

Ola! We´ve arrived and already have photos to make you jealous (sorry :) ) but we need to get a USB adaptor for the SD card before we can upload them. Unlike the UK EVERYTHING closes on a Sunday so that´ll have to wait til tomorrow.

The journey was the longest, slowest journey ever, we woke up at 6am and left at 7am and arrived in Rio 18 hours later. Luckily we had our own room with a comfy double bed but its bunks all the way from here on in. The alarm went off at what we thought was 9am Brazilian time but thankfully our disbelief paid off and we soon realised my phone was still set to UK time - 4 hours left in bed, thank Cheesus Christ! Now fully recharged and off to the ¨Hippie market¨in Copacabana.

Tchau for now x

1 comment:

  1. Zing!
    I hope you buy yourself a nice young hippy to carry your shit, bitch about capitalism and acquire drugs.
